5 Budget Friendly Marketing Tips For A Small Business

If you own a small business, you might be wondering the most budget friendly marketing strategies you can apply. This is especially because you might be operating on a strict budget and your scope might be limited too. However, you do not have to worry because there are different cost effective marketing strategies you can apply and get the best results. Here are some of the strategies you can apply.

Invest in the right social media

Social media has become one of the most cost friendly marketing platforms used by many small businesses. In addition to the fact that you will reach a large audience, you will also spend less. By using the correct social media, you will have conversations and engage with customers and even potential customers. All you need to do is to ensure that you have the right conversations with the correct content. To get the best results, you should use wide range of social media such as facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest and others. You will be able to develop interactions that will lead to strong customer base and more sales.

Brand where your potential customers are

Conversions are very important to turn a browsing customer into a paying one. Brand recognition is just as critical. Display advertising gives positive impressions to clients looking for a site, but the entire costs are reduced substantially. You have to note that you might not get instant results, but later on you will reap a lot of benefits.

Develop a customer loyalty program

It will cost you five times to get a new customer, than retaining the current one. To ensure that your clients keep on coming back, you can create a loyalty program by giving points for every purchase your clients make. Once they hit a certain number, you can give them a specific discount on their following purchase. Another kind of a customer loyalty program is offering discount for every referral or online review that customers make. Keep on reminding your customers about your small business loyalty programs through email marketing or social media.

Email marketing

Email marketing is also another budget friendly strategy you can use in your small business. Through regular email campaigns, you will be able to share timely offers with your potential and existing customers. You can start by sending monthly email newsletter that shows new services or products, special offers or your small business news. Make sure that your emails are interesting and in simple form in order to boost opening rate of your emails by your customers. You should also have more email addresses in your database in order to have stronger email marketing results.

Understand how to do SEO Right

Applying the right SEO strategies allows your business to be more visible online through unpaid search engine results. Studies have shown that site traffic comes from organic search results. This is why you should make SEO part of your small business strategy. The good thing is that you do not have to spend anything to have a strong SEO strategy except your time.

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